Sunday Evening/Monday Morning

 I managed to get a good couple of hours work done on stuff in the dining room.  I have found loads of items, some of which needed a good scrub up, which has now been done.  However, I have found a lot of equipment for making ice cubes, different shapes and sizes, traditional ice cube trays which I tend to use a lot of when I have a freezer, I freeze little blocks of herbs and bits and bobs to drag out and use individually as well of course make ice cubes.  I have had some of these for ages, but some of the ice lolly moulds were bought just before the fire and have never been used.  They are all now together for me to spring into action when my freezer arrives. I am thinking of making some strictly adult lollies when the freezer comes, i.e. Cider/Perry ones. There are also my Freezer trays for open freezing fruit and vegetables and other items.  Now I have had these a lot of years and they originally came from Lakeland.

Lakeland Kitchen Products

The open freeze trays they do not appear to have these products in stock - and I have not seen them for a few years.  They also used to do a very useful Freezer Defrost box as well. I think I have one of them in a box somewhere.

There are also ice cream machines both manual one (that you add salt to) and a proper electric one where you do not have to freeze the bowl.  That cost a pretty penny many years ago.  I am looking forward to making ice cream again.  I have a special fondness for a Neopolitan ice cream and am hoping to have a go at making some of this at home. I was thinking of making it in one of my glass loaf moulds and then one made wrapping it in foil and storing in a Ziplock bag and just cutting of a slice or two when the fancy takes.  I am also looking forward to messing around with desserts come Christmas this year especially my homemade Cinnamon Ice cream. There is also a recipe for a Chocolate Chestnut Terrine that you can eat in one go or just store in the freezer and cut slices off as you want them.  This is a really lovely pudding which we have not had for sometime so it would be nice to renew our acquaintance. That is really scrummy.  

If I can get my act together this year with the house, Christmas 2025 could well end up having Rumtopf pudding/drinking available.  At one time I used to make this every year. 

I have not done as much preserving this past year with the emphasis on me getting my house back into some kind of order and then making up next year for the lack of preserves this year. I also intend to do the same with the garden. I did not grow anything this year and have a lot of work to do here as well.

My logic is, that if my equipment is all together then it should be a lot easier to get things sorted overall.

I already have a little gadget that I picked up reduced for turning frozen fruit into ice cream. It will be good to get that going again.  I am hoping to get a lot of my equipment back into use, together with a couple of new pieces.  Will see how things go.  

I also have loads of vintage jelly moulds and also a three tier mould for making your own ice creations.  I very much would like to add to the little stash of pudding items I have and I am going to be looking to add to this in due course.  

I have also found my stash of cake containers, both polythene (Tupperware) and other makes as well as tins.  There is a full set of Christmas tins as well.  Once the under-stair and the Pantry have been sorted i.e. all the Preserves are then homed in the under-stair cupboard so that is purely for preserves, I will then be able to utilise on of the top shelves for storing these.


Tried to get in touch with GP Surgery. Had tried to get in touch yesterday online - could not get on.  Phoned surgery at 8:30am the time when the phone lines are open and it was choc-a-bloc.  Leg is easier today, still sore and it has gone down to what it was, but still very tender.  Will try later on to get to see someone when things have calmed down a bit as I would feel happier if someone had a look at it, as it does appear to be a vein that is inflamed.  So will see how we get on.

Then phoned AO and got through to a very helpful young lady called Danielle.  Explained the situation to her, and received more than satisfactory explanation and solution to the re-delivery of the Freezer.  Most apologetic, and there will be no delivery charge.  Very pleased about that.  Freezer has therefore been re-scheduled for re-delivery for tomorrow.  Have to wait in again but that is par for the course.  However, must express that Danielle was very efficient and friendly - totally professional and would appear to have resolved matters.  It turns out that the delivery drivers only went to the front door despite instructions to deliver to the back door.  

Will see what happens tomorrow.

Right, that's a couple of things off the list scheduled for today.  Loads more to do, but that is also par for the course for me.

Have a good day everyone.

Catchup later.




  1. You have tons of wonderful kitchen equipment - I am very jealous. I have slowly been adding to mine but really am limited by my small space. Some of those desserts sound wonderful. I am having guests for Canadian Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks and would like to try something different than the usual pumpkin pie so must have a search through my recipe books.
    Hope you manage to get through to the doctor - best to have it checked.
    I am using my new electric skillet today - half a dozen thick cut porkchops in it slow cooking with a pile of onions, peppers and tomatoes. I will serve it with some mashed potatoes.

    1. Hi Margie, one of my hobbies has always been cooking. I just love it. Over 40+ years have managed to add all sorts of bits and bobs to the cooking equipment and have managed to keep a lot of it for many years (until 3 years ago when everything started doing the Dying Swan act on me)! No Pas de Deux therefore for some of the old timers. I know am lucky in the greater scheme of things. All my kitchen equipment is not necessarily in the kitchen though. Wherever I can squeeze it. Will try and pop some recipes up in the next week or so for the Desserts if you are interested in. The Chestnut and Chocolate pudding is really lovely and a family favourite. I had an electric skillet a few years back which I found extremely useful until G wrecked it and a little electric oven. The oven got replaced the skillet did not, but I did find it useful. Take care xx


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