The Aftermath after a very Difficult Day

Yesterday was not a good day at all.

G disappeared shopping yesterday morning first thing when I was still sleeping.  When he came back he was not in a particularly good mood.

We live in a 150 year+ terrace.  When we first moved here 37 years ago we were allowed to park outside our homes but they stopped that about 35 years ago and introduced Residents parking where you have to pay to park your car on the street.  We have no garage facilities at all.  There are only so many Resident parking spots.  One of these is straight opposite our home opposite side of the road though to where the house is.  The street we live on is double yellow lines and we are more or less on a bus stop (of which there are frequent buses). G parked the car and started to bring the shopping in and then was approached by a young Asian male who told G that he was not allowed to park there.  Made out that his Dad lived in the house behind the resident parking spot.  That house has off-road parking and is not designated to that home owner.  This young male was not the home owner nor resident at that house. During the course of the conversation this young male told G that if he didn't move the car he would smash the house windows in, as a result of which G took a photo of his car registration.  Needless to say when G came in, he was not in a particularly good mood.  He is Bipolar and he can be a bit volatile if he reacts to anything which I usually try and keep the lid on.  It irritated him immensely.  

The rest of the shopping was brought in and I carried on pottering in the kitchen and G went about his business.  About 15 to 20 minutes later I had cause to go out to the front of the house to take my rubbish bags out.  Our dustbins are in the front garden as we cannot get them down the passage and into the back garden easily.  The young male was still parked up on double yellow lines, in front of the house right in front of the bus stop, texting on his phone - no engine running and half way over the pavement which made it difficult for pedestrians to access and walk on the pavement.  I therefore asked him to move as he should not be there in the first place and proceeded to have a bit of a discussion with him explaining to him that he should not be parked up on double yellow lines and in front of a bus stop.  Not only that he was blocking a pedestrian walk-way making it difficult for anyone to pass by safely.  Needless to say I got a lot of abuse, he tried to make out that he was a Policeman - I asked for his Warrant card, which he decided to "flash", but which was not a Warrant card, so basically a lot of bull.  He just did not want to shift and thought that he could do what he wanted.  I asked him to shift yet again.  I wasn't being funny he just should not have been parked there at all.  Funny that he is on the road and should know the Highway Code, but was blatantly breaching it so why was he on the road.  Also seemed to think that he was Cock o the North and could do as he wanted.  

I came back in again and after about 20 minutes G went out again on his way to the shop,  Got as far as the end of the passage and saw that the car had been damaged on the front of the car and one of the headlights was hanging out and the car had been scored down one side with white paint showing.  There was a lorry delivering to the shop over the road, and G questioned the driver who denied all knowledge and said that he had not hit the car, despite the damage being higher than a car would be and probably been done by a higher sided vehicle rather than a car.  Nobody basically had seen anything.  G had however taken the registration number of the Lorry.

Bearing in mind the earlier conversations with the young Asian male and his threats to do our windows in, we then attempted to report the matter to the local Police station.  Was kept in a queue for 40+minutes, which was stressful to say the least as by now G was completely wound up.  I tend to deal with things to try and keep him calmer, as he is Bipolar and if he is having an episode does not mince his words and things can soon spiral out of control.  When did get to speak to someone, explained circumstances of what had happened and the lead up to it, and they were more interested in the anti-social behaviour element than anything else which was not why we had phoned, wanted to report the accident.  

By this time G was on the phone to the insurance company and we ended up swapping and speaking between the Police and the insurance company at the same time.  Anyway Police took details from us was given a Crime number for the anti-social aspect but nothing for the car.  G had obtained a photo of the Asian lad's car registration and was asked to forward this over.  Then found a text and tried to get in touch to report the accident via a website link which also was a bit temperamental and took a couple of goes.

Long story short we did not know how why or who had damaged the car.

Because we were not sure who had damaged the car, the insurance company progressed with it on the matter that it would fall down to us to pay the minimum payment and the insurance company the rest. That wound G up as well.  However must say that the insurance company extremely efficient.

A little later on having dealt with everything for the Police G went over to see the lad who is running one of the shops and also another shop further up. Both had CCTV and so G asked them to check and let him know if they found anything.  Later in the afternoon the young lad told G categorically that it was the lorry that had caused the damage to the car as he had caught it on his CCTV.  The shop further up, his cameras are set at a different angle and so we understand did not catch anything.  The lad from the shop sent G the video and we watched it on his phone which showed that the lorry had indeed caused the damage.

In-between all this we have also had phone calls from the garage trying to arrange admission of the car for repairs and the insurance company again.

Then heard later on from Police to say that they were not taking further action in relation to the anti-social behaviour thing with the Asian lad.  We are not too bothered about that one way or another in any event just frustrated with all the messing about.  

G reviewed the video again today and put the speaker on and it quite clearly shows and you can hear the crunch on the car and the lad who had been guiding the lorry back had actually bashed on the side of the lorry to stop the driver from reversing further.

So today, G has been in touch with the insurance company and updated them as to the position.  They have checked the number plate out and there is insurance on the lorry.  They have therefore indicated that they are now proceeding on the basis that they will go against the lorry driver.  Have also sent the CCTV footage to them as well.  Now waiting for contact from a garage and a replacement car to be apparently according to the insurance company they are dealing with it on a different protocol now that we are not responsible.

G has been on a right downer yesterday and today and difficult to deal with.  However, I have done a bit of sharp talking of my own and things seem to have calmed down now. Thank goodness.  Not sure when will be resolved, although have been led to believe that the insurance company will deal with this pretty quickly in any event.  Hope so as we were planning to go down to the Cornwall for a break in any event.  Now could really do with a few days down in Cornwall after all the shenanigans of the past couple of days to try and chill a bit.

Hopefully normal service will now be resumed with my posts.  Was just so tired yesterday and I am today.  Thank goodness no one has been hurt.  Tomorrow is another day.

Hope everything is well in your own worlds.

Catch you soon.




  1. So, a verbally abusive man threatens to damage your house, commits 3 road traffic offences AND impersonates a police officer, another offence, yet the police don't do anything, despite you having given them his car registration number! Sometimes you really do have to ask yourself what someone has to do to attract their attention, other than call someone 'he' when they insist they are actually a 'she'. As for the lorry driver, well it looks like Karma, or at least the insurance company, will catch up with him and wipe the smile off his face. No wonder you were so upset yesterday. What a truly horrible day. Xxx

    1. Yep, basically. There has been a lot of bother with cars down here since they opened some takeaways at the end of the street. It is a mixed community and has been generally okay where the elders will quite frequently discipline some of the younger ones when they are out of order. This one though had the cheek of Old Nick. Quite a few of the younger Asian men around here seem to have that attitude but real life has a habit of bringing people down to the ground. He is very lucky, that the CCTV proved it was not him, but his own behaviour will catch him out at the end of the day. What goes around comes around and at least my conscience will be clear in trying to do the right thing at the end of the day. It is also very difficult dealing with G in full swing and trying to calm him down and keep him on an even keel. He does get tackled though when he is out of order. Trouble is he is a little too big to be on the naughty step! Hopefully it is now resolved and I can go back to my plans of a quiet day, getting washing done, kitchen sorted etc. ooh and playing with a new toy. G has bought me a lovely surprise present. Will be a post on it shortly. Take care. xx

  2. So glad that the cctv showed the actual culprit and that insurance will sort it all. But I echo Tracy's amazement at the police completely ignoring all the rest of the complaints. I read in the uk papers and online about the two tier policing system and that certainly seems to be accurate - what do people have to do to get arrested! Hope your week improves.

    1. Hi Margie, it is what it is. Too much red tape and not enough action. I haven't finished though quite yet. The red tape is there often does not cover grey areas so you are actually stumped before you really get started as often what you are calling to talk about falls between two or more categories. Too much emphasis on claims of any sort if this or that procedure is not followed. I worked in the Legal profession for about 35 years all told and am not phased by rude Asian lads in the least. We are very pleased about the CCTV footage though as G had tackled the driver as he was there but he declined all knowledge. The CCTV though proves that he was telling porky pies. Its okay in the moment doing this but it usually comes up and bites you on the bum. We were more concerned with the damage to the car and how the repairs were going to be funded. When we initially went through to the insurance company we could not say categorically that the young Asian lad had done anything so it had to be a claim against our insurance which would mean that we would have had to pay a £300 excess and our premiums would have gone up. Because of the CCTV footage they progress the claim differently and go against the driver's insurance (they checked he had current insurance and he does) and we are covered. A two tier system of dealing with claims depending on whether you know who else was involved or not. That is just a processing method to streamline things more than anything else. However what does my head in is that because they are so immured in what they do day by day they assume that everyone else knows the jargon, do not always explain what is involved and not always confirming what will happen going forwards. Instead of using simpler language to convey what will happen from thereon in. This is something that the company I used to work for were very hot on and it was very important that we were seen to be transparent at all times and if the client did not understand talk to them until they did. I am hoping to play with my present from G later on, if not will be tomorrow. Today started off good but has been on a bit of a downer due to other external issues. As soon as this car is sorted we need to get down for a break to Cornwall and some peace and quiet. Take care sweetie x


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