There is a lot to be accomplished

 ....somehow or another this next fortnight as outlined in yesterday's post.  However there are a few things that I would like to get done in-between everything else and so I have decided to set myself a project list for the week that in themselves may not be very exciting but need doing all the same.  I thought as they are not particularly long winded jobs that I could slip them into smaller areas of time dotted here and there.  Here is a list of the items that I would like to make this week if at all possible:

  1. Homemade Bread buns using the Dough Hook on the Kitchen Aid Artisan mixer.
  2. I would like to have a go at making some Cinnamon buns.
  3. Preserve 6 x 750g bags of new potatoes which were reduced from £1 a bag, to 45p per bag.  I want to preserve these by heat processing for the Pantry shelf.  Never done before so it is very much a new thing for me.  However is something have been wanting to do along with lots of other veggies for the Pantry shelf.
  4. *Buy some Lemons for making a batch of Fermented Honey and Lemon.  Want to make up two jars this week if I can, and two jars a week until I have a stash. I love this with hot water as a drink and it seems to help my throat quite a bit with it being dry for the best part, not due to a cold but a long-term medical condition.
  5. *Make Lemon Sugar.
  6. *Start off a batch of Lemon Cleaning vinegar with the used shells..
  7. *Buy Sage to dry.
  8. *Buy Parsley to dry.
  9. *Buy Shallots to pickle.
  10. *Buy Pickling Onions to pickle.

* Indicates items that I will have to buy in so is dependent on pennies and also on what I can find. These items will continue to reappear in my lists until found and processed as an onward aide memoire as it were.

There is lots to do.

I have a horrendous pile of washing to deal with.  Put on hold because of the really bad weather but today we have the Sun in the sky and so I have grabbed the opportunity of getting some washing out on the line.  Tumbler will only be used if absolutely necessary, although in reality I do like to use it for my towels.

I have started again in the dining room.  I am bagging up the ironing items into his clothes, my clothes, household linen, everyday household linens and then the stuff that is being sorted for the charity shop.  I am focusing in here first in order to create more space.  I will then work through the ironing a bit at a time until concluded.  Then should be able to start sorting the dining room.

It is going to look to start with as though I will not be achieving much, although in reality every little bit moves me that little bit closer to getting this particular item done and dusted.

Yesterday was not a good day for me at all.  Since we have had all the rain I have been extremely stiff and restricted in movement - it is all the damp and I feel temperature changes before anyone else appears to notice.  My hands have been going again as well.  I also knocked my back out yesterday (It has gone back but more than a bit of an ouch moment), my knee swelled and my hip was playing up, so restricted on movement again, but still keep moving to keep the leg going, despite being careful and resting it up every so often.  So I am inching along little by little at the moment.  Just have to deal with things as they are.  At least I got a reasonable night's sleep last night.

I am also desperately behind with reading and catching up on the blogs, vlogs and groups I belong too so hopefully will be in touch with everyone soon.  Not enough of a precious commodity called "Time".

Also managed to get a load of washing out on the line today, and have more on the go.  All stuff that goes on in the background of most homes, but keeps us ever moving forward in our daily lives.  Am aiming to get all the washing done and caught up with by the end of the week; the ironing will take a little longer but am aiming to get that out of the way at soonest.

Tonight we ended up having some of the cheese and some fresh bread buns bought today instead as neither of us fancied too much to eat.

Wednesday night's tea is going to be Italian sausages and mixed roast veggies so that I can carry on a bit into the evening with some more work before being able to sit down for a bit.   

We also had another delivery of Lorne Sausage, Fruit Pudding, Black Pudding and some Toulouse Sausages (G's bag not mine - I like Garlic but this is too much for me).  This is where we really need the freezer.  It is still out of stock.  Fingers crossed that is sorted soon I keep checking.

I am re-using the cold packaging ice bags the delivery came in by washing and saving them to take things down to the van shortly.  That should keep any food nice and cool as I will have to tackle the fridge in the caravan when we get down there in any event. Once the freezer is sorted will help so much in many areas. The whole van will need a good wash and brush up with us not having been down for a while.

We also managed to get out to take Missy and ourselves for a short walk this afternoon.  Bless her she is a bit wobbly these days, but she did well, we just have to walk slowly with her.

Thursday it will be the Barnsley chops done as a roast dinner with all the trimmings.  I had planned on having both of these  meals earlier in the week but we opted to have something else instead,

Not massive amounts achieved today, but it all adds up at the end of the day.  Just got to get stuck in a bit more.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch you soon.




  1. You continue to get through a lot of chores and I hope you get some decent weather once you head down to Cornwall.
    Didn't get as much done the past few days as I had planned as this respiratory infection has flared again. It is also very rainy and grey and that does have an effect on my RA so really having to pace myself. Lemons were on my list as well as some oranges as I plan to make some extracts but won't be headed out for at least another couple of days so that is on hold. I am lucky in that I can work from home so have managed to check off a few tasks. This afternoon I will finish up the last few bits of ironing and I did make a quick pot of mushroom/barley soup so that will keep me going as I don't really have much of an appetite.


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