Today has been a little rough

 On the health front that is.  I really seem to have done my right knee, side and hip in.  Pain killers needed.  I needed to go to the Bank in town today, to sort some administration matters out.  The bank were extremely helpful with this and I was dealt with by a young lady who more than did what she should have and did not make me feel like an absolute idiot.

I have not been in town for a long time.  Indeed Peterborough is a ghost town to what it used to be pre-Covid.  Lots of big name stores have left the Queensgate Centre, lots of shops are still boarded up with M & S main store in town having closed and they have now nominated their Lincoln Road store/warehouse as the main M & S for Peterborough.  That is a bit of a nuisance as it is not so easy to get there when you do not drive or have easy access.  I will not be the only one with these considerations to take into account either. During my walking around I seem to have hampered my leg again and it is painful and uncomfortable.  I have ended up putting a leg support on, but my hip is also playing up too.  I have known for quite a few years that I have degenerative changes in my hips in any event.  So since arriving back home I have sat and rested my leg instead of being able to get on with what I had started.  I will probably go down and do more a bit more sorting with the ironing just so that I am making the most of the inactive time I am having.  Will see how I feel a little later.

I managed to have a quick look in the Pound Shop, Primark home section only, Flying Tiger, Age Concern, The Works and finally B & M.  There were one or two bits that I quite liked, mostly Autumn or Christmas related.  May go back and get one or two bits a little later.  B & M were starting to put the main decorations out today and they look lovely. Would go well with the colour I am thinking of decorating the dining room in. Not online yet.  Also had some nice practical home items as well, especially for storing food in the fridge and also containers to organise food in the fridge in.  I really would like to get to Dunhelm and George at Asda, Hobbycraft and The Range.  Hopefully will be able to get there in due course.  I really like Dunhelm and The Range.

I have cooked fried onions, Italian Fennel Sausages and roasted veg for tea tonight and it was scrummy.  I roasted some lardons and onion, then added chopped potato cubes, sweet potato, squash, courgette, red pepper with some whole garlic cloves, a sprinkling of mixed herbs, white pepper.  It went down an absolute treat and was extremely tasty.  So have had my five a day for today.  Sorry forgot to take a photo.

I was looking in The Works and they have some good crafting basics that I would like to buy in for general crafting, including some wooden boxes that would be ideal to have a go at pyrography on, as well as a pyrography iron with different decorating heads.  I quite fancy the idea of keeping some wooden boxes for different teas, oils, herbs and spices in the Pantry, suitably decorated.  I have all sorts of plans on the crafting front long-term.  I am also after some crafting paint and some canvasses.  I like playing with lots of crafts although I do not consider myself as skilled.  I enjoy doing what I do.  I am also after some clay as I have a couple of projects to try on this front ideally for Christmas which if I do not get to this year will next.  Even seeing a particular shade of wool triggers me to want to craft.

Hopefully my leg will ease up in the next few days.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.

Hope life is treating you all well.  Hugs if things are not so brilliant at the moment.  

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. It sounds like you could be the one in need of a hug, so consider it given! Take things easy and perhaps sit and do a bit of crafting. You have been very busy lately and it sounds like your body is telling you to take a bit of time off. x


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