Today has been a Rest Day

 After early morning shenanigans yesterday morning (for us in any event), and after a busy pottering kind of a day and then major storms later into the evening early morning with continuous rain.  I literally crashed and washed out and did not have an early start to the day today.  Feel a lot better for it, had felt severely out of kink yesterday and am starting to feel refreshed after this very draining week in more ways than one.  We are both keen to get away to the caravan as soon as we can but realistically that is not going to be for another couple of weeks as there is so much to do here before tootling off.

Tomorrow will be an earlier start and I shall get stuck in with a vengeance.

Plan is to start in the dining room.  It needs clearing, I need to make room for a freezer (still not ordered as the model I am after is out of stock), but that will happen in due course.  Need to move stuff around and create space if possible where I can.  These things happen for a reason.

I also want to have a go at making some bread in the new mixer.  Maybe just some buns to start with.  Will see how it goes. 

Realistically the dining room is going to take a few days.  I also want to sort out the under-stair cupboard, get the new flooring in - yes we have enough to do under the stairs.  Everything needs taking out before that happens so I need space to be able to put it whilst working on the cupboard. Its a lot of faffing around, but it is the only way can do it at the moment.  Then perhaps once the dining room and the cupboard are sorted and tidied can then get back into the bathroom and sort that out and buy some new flooring for in there.  There are still a few kitchen items in the dining room that need to go into the kitchen but it is locating them and getting them in there where I can.

The kitchen floor can then be replaced.

Decorating the dining room will come later on after we are back from Cornwall.  I am not going to use the vintage wallpaper I have, but buy some Anaglypta type textured paper as the plasterwork is too shot will not be able to remove all the layers of wallpaper, as long as it freshens everything up that is all that matters.  I want to have a go at wallpapering and as the vintage paper is a Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady paper which is expensive to source I thought I would have a go with the Anaglypta first. Would like it sorted for Christmas.  A heck of a lot of sorting to do though.  Will see if we get there or not.  Probably me being over-ambitious.

Always plotting and planning me.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




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