Catch up on Today

 After an early start to the day this morning, the best part of the day has been spent in pottering.  Namely decanting some Brussel Sprouts and Leeks I had prepped up, blanched and open froze in the freezer and decanting them into bags.  They can now free-flow from the bag and little bits can be added to stews, casseroles that sort of thing, or if liked a larger amount to be used as a side for a meal.  It is early days yet and I will probably add a lot more veggies yet to the freezer, but at least it is a start.  Will do little bits at a time into one larger bag to start with, building up as I go along.  

I have added more veg to the fridge today to use from fresh and also process some of it for future meals but more on that tomorrow as there is a kitchen post scheduled for tomorrow in any event.  I want to make up a couple of stew packs and a couple of roasting veggie packs as well.  Oh I have missed doing stuff like this for the freezer.

For tea tonight we have Moules Mariniere with crispy buns to dunk into the liquor (lots of garlic and butter),  Very much looking forward to this as it has been some while since we have had these and they are one of my favourite meals.  We have trifle for pudding afterwards.  All simple food, but as I keep saying, the simpler the way in which the food is served the more flavour you often have and the more memorable the meal.  


Tea was absolutely delicious, very happy with how it turned out overall very tasty.  Yum.

Following on from my Booster injections the other day, I am still in the Wars as it were, with distinct pain in both arms from where I was injected one on either arm.  I always seem to react it is never major, but usually uncomfortable for about a week or so in any event.  Hopefully will disappear soon fingers crossed and toes plaited.

For a change I am going to put my feet up tonight  and just take some time for myself.

I have also had to put up a new post box sign on the front door today as the other one had disintegrated. That is also therefore all done and dusted as well.

Little gains, but all build up into something bigger at the end of the day.  Things are going in the right direction.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. What a lovely meal - I love mussels but rarely think to make them for myself. My mother and I used to love to share a jar of mussels in vinegar and my dad's favourite was rollmops (pickled herring) must try to get in the habit of eating more seafood.


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