Everything has gone to Pot

 Literally, leaving me with a giant "Cat's Cradle" to try and unravel with the house and various other things which I am not going to go into. Therefore it is time for a re-set and start from scratch again. 

Things have not gone well this last week either on the energy, able to do things mode and we have had a very poorly Jack Russell to nurse as well which has led to a severe lack of sleep and a lot of grumpiness on G's part.  He cannot bear anything out of place or routine, and unfortunately Missy takes after him.  Let us just leave last week where it was.  

Bright spots are that Missy is starting to get better, although very much a little old lady these days. We seem to have got her back on track, but she is going to take some careful nurturing. G thinks I fuss too much where she is concerned, however I have proved over and over that certain things have to be done for her to keep her warm and to keep her going.  That seems to fall on deaf ears (he is deaf anyway for the best part which hampers things as is Missy).  Unfortunately he really does not appreciate the issues she has with her arthritis, the troubles it causes with her moving and the fact that if she lays for too long she gets cold (even when the house is warm and has her blankets).  No wonder she comes to me when she actually needs something.

Anyway for the moment we seem to have her back on track which is the main thing.  She is a little old lady though and we have to make the most of the time we do have with her however long or short that may be. They are there when we need them the most and it is only fair and proper that the compliment is returned when it is needed.

A lot of people do not understand the amount of fuss and care I put into caring for my animals. However, they are family members too and I do not take my responsibilities lightly when it comes to their care.  We are all vulnerable at one time or another throughout our lives, and animals are all the more vulnerable because they rely on our care to ensure a healthy and decent life whilst they are with us.  Humans are also very vulnerable whether we like to be seen in that vein or not which requires working through things as they present themselves; all to try and ensure that the best outcome is obtained for that person and the situation they find themselves in. Such is life.

Once I find my "footing" again will be back with a vengeance.  Whether that is good or bad I am no longer sure.  Just engaged in unravelling lots of things at once at the moment.

Keep safe and keep warm wherever you are.

Catch you soon.




  1. Sorry that Missy has been poorly and glad she is on the mend again now, and I hope you soon will be too. Don't overdo things - jobs that need doing never run away!

    1. Hi BB, so sorry had meant to be in touch with you, unfortunately things have been a tad hectic and it has not helped with Missy. Even Nurse Mischief has been doing her duty and going to check on Missy whilst she has been sleeping. It has been quite comical in that respect as she is normally having a pop at her. Will catch up with you as soon as I can. Been pulling my hair out a bit! Take care sweetie xx

  2. I have missed your posts and hoped that you weren't ill. Sorry that your dog has been so poorly - while not an "animal person", I do understand your concerns and acknowledge how much she will be dependent upon you right now. As someone who has two forms of arthritis - believe me, I sympathize with her.
    Take care - just get through the basics and I'll watch for future posts.

    1. Hi Margie, thank you for your lovely words. I did try and post earlier but lost my replies to messages. Been a bit fraught around here, but slowly getting back to square one. G my partner does not pick up on when Missy needs assistance so she bypasses him and comes straight to me if she needs something. In her mind each human has specific jobs. When she is not well she doesn't want him and only wants me to look after her. The worst bit is that she wants to do stuff but cannot quite manage things. Old age is the pits in that respect. You take care and thank you again Tricia xx

  3. I understand where you're coming from re.caring for animals. We currently have 5 pets - not of our own choosing, rather circumstances. I find it really hard work keeping them all happy, etc. We have a 12yr old cat, 2 x 8yr old rabbits, a lab who's 19 mths and a 15yr old Jack russell recently inherited from late mother in law. A lot of time is taken up with looking after them all.


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