Today was an early start


A parcel should have arrived yesterday but the delivery driver, did not manage to deliver despite us being in the house.  It was re-arranged for delivery today.  As they let you first thing when they anticipate being with you, I ended up getting up early in order to make sure that we were correct and present and that he could gain access to the property.  As he arrived with a separate delivery the other day at about 7:30am I thought it best to be up early.  In any event it was delivered between 12:30pm and 1:30pm.  The box it arrived in was massive.  Not very sturdy but far too big to re-cycle by using it again.  I therefore stripped the box of its packing of which there was numerous amounts and then stripping the box down and tying it with string to hold card stacks together.  All 94 jars have arrived in readiness for doing some preserving in the not too distant future.

I also received my cross stitch kit, the one I mentioned in yesterday's posts.  Might start that tomorrow evening, as I will be sitting down this Saturday evening.

I have also done four loads of laundry today, plus the couple of loads I did last night.  Most of the stuff is now dry and I am just waiting on the washer to put another load out to dry.  Now accomplished and some stuff on hangers drying indoors.  More washing is underway.

A little later on I will be venturing into the front bedroom to see what coat hangers I can lay my hands on.  I have a big heap of ironing to do and want to use what coat hangers I have first before venturing and buying in some new ones.  I will then start some ironing tomorrow, primarily the stuff just taken in from the lines to get it all out of the way with.  I will then attack the pile!

I am absolutely shattered now.  I have a lot to do, but have had enough for today.  Am too tired to start the kit as well.


Had a lay in.  The treat I offered myself after being up early a couple of times this week.  It was bliss.  Did the job it needed to.  I felt off and cold yesterday, but got up all pistons firing so I think the right thing for me to do at this time.

However the weather has been horrendous.  Still a tad chilly but not as chilly as last night.  We popped the heating on last night.

Have pottered around tidying stuff up.  I spend a lot of time tidying things up but I am also clearing stuff out as I work along and then get things packed up where necessary as well.  Time consuming but a necessary job.

As the heating is cutting in, it is obviously cold outside as well. We therefore decided on meals for the next couple of days.  I had 1kg of stewing steak in the freezer and so I dragged that out in good time for it to defrost.  We are going to have stew for tea tomorrow night a good old fashioned stew (will get it done tonight if the meat has defrosted).  If it not ready will make first thing tomorrow.

I therefore set too and cooked.  Comfort food, a delicious steak pie served with Cauliflower cheese, mashed potatoes, carrot, peas and Broccoli with loads of gravy for our main meal this evening.  Must say that it went down very well indeed.

I also cooked extra Broccoli as some was starting to go a little bit limp and so I steamed all of this whilst I had the cooker on, in readiness for me to make Blue cheese and Broccoli soup tomorrow.  Even if G does not want it, at least I will have something that I love to hand when I get the hungry Gremlins.

I have obtained some items for autumn decorating, whether that will be this year or in readiness for next is another matter.  Will have to see how things progress.  

I still have loads of stuff to do.  Think this is going to take longer than intended.

Hope everyone has had a lovely evening and is cosy and warm.

Catch you soon.




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