Monday -Waffling On

What a difference a couple of days have made to me being able to get on quite well with some jobs.  Still not finished as there is so much to do but getting there.  Might have to do this again further down the line.

Well I have been awake since 4:30am  it was light then and so peaceful.  Eventually getting up at 6:30am as I could not sleep and started pottering in the kitchen.  Did a bit of tidying and got some of the foodstuffs into the cupboard (my condiments cupboard) Cornflour, Arrowroot etc up and out the way with and ready to replenish the jars.  Managed to get like items with like, so top shelf is pretty organised bottom one yet to go.  Managed to sort out yesterday some of my food reserves, now the Pantry needs sorting out to get it all put away.  Still slogging away at it, but it will come shortly.

Well I managed to get caught up a bit having the radio silence over the weekend.  Still a load to do but will get there in the end.

Started off with Waffles again for breakfast.  I posted the other day on Waffles and had taken some photos but managed to lose them.  We have therefore had them again this morning, and I have updated the post that I did last week with photos and also the recipe.  Very well pleased with these and OH liked them as well.  They have a maximum of 1 teaspoon of sugar in them.  Rest is one egg, 150g flour, (I used dried milk and some baking powder) 250ml milk 1 teaspoon of baking powder.  As I have indicated Waffle post is here:

Waffle Recipe

As I got up so early, I am now feeling decidedly dodgy really should have a kip but will persevere.  Will probably have an earlier night tonight as a result.

Could not manage to stay up as felt so yuk and wobbly as well as no energy.  Therefore made it to back to bed for a couple of hours now feel right as rain and am going to have another bash.  This is how I have been of late and it is doing my head in.  Fatigue your timing is "crap"!

We had a duplicate of Sunday's tea which was roasted veg and chicken. The rest of the evening was spent in the kitchen trying to sort cupboards out to get things into them in a better order.  I have taken some of the bigger cookware out of the cupboards such as my Pressure Canner, Steam Canner, Stock Pots, Maslin Pans etc.  Have now as a result of that been able to get all my saucepans and frying pans etc. into one big cupboard.  Still more to go on that but slowly getting there.

Oh and I did give my ankle a bit of a crack whilst flying around the house on my broomstick!  Needless to say it has bruised quite a bit!  Did not show up on the photo and himself did offer to give it another whack so that it would show up.  Decided to decline his offer on the grounds that I would not inflict my foot on you all!

Right am off to potter again.

Catch you soon.




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