Monday night/Tuesday morning/Food Planning

Sunday Evening late

We were treated to the most magnificent Thunder and Lightning storm last night with torrential rain on and off through the night and today.  

Monday Night

I woke up with my arm hurting and my joints stiff.  Its the rain and the damp and the Barometric pressure. Not a good day on getting things done front at home as I did not get any of what I had planned done. However, I did go to the physiotherapy strength training at the hospital.  Class starts at 4.15pm every Monday for the next five weeks for me.  Not a gruelling work out but very effective and I found I was able to do most of them.  I do have trouble though lifting my right arm above my armpit to the side and upwards. A lot of the exercises are Pilates based so relatively easy to do and gentle, however they have a high impact. Some of them I had already been doing in any event.  I also have trouble at night sleeping and often end up with a hurting shoulder of a morning.  However, very pleased with how the class went and I actually enjoyed it.  I did do an awful lot of sport in my youth though, and over the years have got involved with several things including Belly Dancing, so not totally inactive, just stiff a lot of the time.

I have been doing upper arm exercises at home, from before the time I was sent to physiotherapy.  I continue to do these whilst working downstairs in the kitchen with the radio on.  Anybody (if they could look through the window would think I was a right "Nutter") all the jiggling about and a routine of exercises I am doing inbetween doing chores!  Well I am of the opinion that it is down to me and I can only help myself long-term.

This evening has been a quiet one.  I could not really get into anything and so decided it was time I stitched one of my pumpkins up. I have dealt with the "Woolly Mammoth", so called because the wool is a thicker texture and fluffier than the rest.  

As I have said I am using up odd balls of wool for this purpose.  So the next stage on the creamy white one is done.  Now to work my way through the rest of them, plus I have another one on the needles which will try and get sorted.  Now need to sort the stems out for them.  That will be another stage though.  At least in shape it is not too dissimilar to a pumpkin.  There is a lot to do and I also want to get some of the pumpkin garlands made as well.  Just silly decorative things which I have totally enjoyed working.  It is giving me the impetus to get back to my knitted UFOs as well.  In all honesty I am not watching much TV at the moment either.  I am on the computer a fair bit, but I can do a little crafting whilst listening to a You Tube production or some music.  At other times I am following other blogs etc. or indeed writing a post for my own blog, Instagram or on Facebook.


The pink coloured pumpkin which was on the needles is now finished. I am pleased with how I got on this evening as I started sewing the "Woolly Mammoth" up at about 9pm, and with only about four rows on the needles, I also managed to finish knitting the pink pumpkin within 3 hours (until midnight).  Need to cast another one on but that can wait until tomorrow night (unless I get a chance in the day to cast another one on).


Wet n extremely windy day here and the temperature has dropped considerably.

Decided to have a little plan for what food we are having over the next few days. Just outline ideas which can be mixed and matched and based on what I have to hand.

Tonight, Tuesday, we have a chicken for tea tonight.  I am roasting doing the works i.e. with roast potatoes, roast onion, carrots, mashed potato, and broccoli with some gravy. I think that there are a few green beans in the garden as well so may well add these in too. May add in a Yorkshire Pudding, as a "Padder-outer" but will see how I feel when it comes to making this.

Will make some Yogurt for having at breakfast with some fruit, or as part of a pudding after tea.  Have to prepare this a day in advance of using it.  Planning to use from tomorrow.  Will probably make a couple of litres. One Plain the other flavoured. Goes a long way.

Also want to get a bread loaf and some buns on the go.

Have also done some work in the kitchen.  


There will then be about half a chicken left over from Tuesday night's tea and so will do that as a curry with some rice.  Will also use some of the plain yogurt probably with some mint added in to make a Raita with the mint in the garden. It is sometime since I had a go at making some Chapattis.  I am going to have a go at making my own Chapattis to accompany. This is the recipe I am going to use:

Chapatti Recipe

Chicken carcasses will be used to make Chicken stock.  Hopefully will get a few jars of Chicken stock for the Pantry shelf to be used in casseroles, soups etc.  Trying to build supply of this up very gradually so that I have enough for use during the winter months.  It will be a continual process as I get beef bones, ham stock, chicken carcass and maybe some vegetable stock too.

For having at anytime

Will probably make up some French Onion Soup and also some Broccoli and Blue cheese Soup; both are favourites here.  Weather is getting very "Autumn" like and has been a lot cooler. Might also do some veggie soup as well. Soup is a good warmer-upper.  Will store in the fridge although I do plan on making soup for the Pantry shelf in due course.

When I decide to have this beforehand will make up some Focaccia to dunk into the soup.  It is quick to make and I think will go well with the soup. Recipe I use for that is here:

Focaccia Recipe


I need to process the chicken stock made yesterday.

Have some Charcuterie meats in the fridge, pineapple on the shelf, might have a go at homemade pizzas again, making my own dough and using what I have to hand including onions, cheese, basil, tomatoes, courgette.  Might do tray pizzas this time.

Will make a tray of "Pattypan's" Flapjacks for snacking on.  Recipe is here: 

Pattypan's Flapjack Recipe

And also some Scones

Scone Recipe

Tonight I also need to start off the Rick Stein Tea Loaves and the Malt Loaves.


I intend to process some cherry tomatoes I have into a simple tomato sauce to be preserved for the Pantry shelf.  Every little helps.  If there is any left over or more than enough, will turn some of it into soup.

Plan to do a little bit of baking.  Have in mind some Malt Loaves, and Rick Stein's fruit loaf for serving with butter and having as a snack.  Might also make some pastries and maybe a cake or two.  Will see how things pan out, but that is the plan at the moment.


I will be processing some carrots and potatoes for the Pantry shelf today.  I also intend to make some French Onion Soup for the Pantry shelf. I now have enough recycled pickle jars for this purpose.

For the Future

I also in due course intend to make carrot and swede, for serving as carrot and swede mash parsnips for adding to stews or roasting, soup mix (Le Parfait recipe for whole veg link here:

Root Vegetables Recipe Le Parfait WB

Also thinking of preparing other veggies as well.

Right am off to potter.

Have a lovely evening.

Catch you soon.




  1. I got tired just reading this! I roasted more tomatoes today, my neighbor brought me a lot more. You will be well stocked for the winter, which is a very good thing.

    1. Hi Sandra, I try and have an outline plan of attack. In reality I have not done as much preserving this year as I would normally do. Am just trying forward to make sure that there is always some food of some sort or the other available that I can use as a main component or as an aside, like puddings, jams, baking that sort of thing. I have to keep away from bought processed food and that is one of the reasons I make a lot of the stuff myself, that and family tradition. I have some cherry tomatoes probably to process tomorrow for some sauce. My veg shop normally reduces them down to £1 a bowl, but just recently have not been in there at the right time, so am hoping to put that right in the next few weeks. I like homemade tomato products like pasta sauce, home done tomatoes etc. It all depends on what I can find and what comes my way. My tomatoes have not come to anything, apart from prove that I can grow them. I was far too late getting them in unless they put on an unexpected spurt. I am looking forward to pumpkins as I want to put a lot of squash up in soup, chunk format. I love pumpkin and squash. Also want to do some French Onion Soup and other soups as well. I could live on soup. You have a good neighbour. You take care Tricia x


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