Friday Evening

Friday Evening

Boy has it been warm today and I think it is going to be another warmer day tomorrow.  Humidity 60% no wonder I have been struggling with my joints today, plus all the frequent up and down stairs I have been doing today as well.  My knee is complaining a wee bit!

Tea went down very nicely.  Not that I eat a lot, but I had more than enough. Two slices of bread and a couple of sausages with fried onion on top and then a splash of ketchup.  Did very nicely.

As I had already had the hoover out before tea, cleaning up the carpet etc.  I have now started to re-fill the void with boxes that had come from the front bedroom and which had been moved downstairs the other day to give me a little bit of room to move.  One of the boxes has some of my Easter stuff containing things such as my Easter Geese egg cups and also my M & S Chicken egg cups.  I have a passion for glass, crockery, novelty items, fairy tales, Mystical Figurines such as Enchantica figurines (Dragons, Witches, Fairies, Elves, Goblins, Hob-Goblins) that sort of thing.  I love beautiful settings, whether they be new or indeed vintage and well loved.  If I take a fancy to something there is bound to be a theme and an idea for something for the home along the way.  I will be honest I just love nice things.  A love that was nurtured by my Mum and by my Nan and my visits to my lovely Aunty Rene's home.  Now she really had some fab stuff.

I mentioned yesterday I think or the day before that I had robbed the cat of her "hidey-hole" but that I had made recompense by clearing the window for her.  Mischief is a house cat and has never been out.  I have lost too many lovely cats here and it has broken my heart hence the choice to keep her in (apart from when we take her on holiday). Despite not really wanting to, I have put full length nets up at the window in order that I can have the window open without an easy escape hatch for a cat. Tyson and Squeak [two of my former cats]  had formerly escaped out of the back bedroom window onto the roof.  Trying to tempt them down with a tin of Tuna is not my idea of fun especially when they were daft enough to jump.  So full nets it is and the lowest opening on the window.  Fingers crossed it will work.  However she will be under supervision.

I have since sorted out quite a bit more rubbish this evening, and found some stuff that had gone missing on the phone and computer front.  As I have an existing box for these type of things a bit later I am going to sit and put like with like.

I have also started sorting boxes the other side of the door as well.  So it is taking a while, but I am keen on getting rid of that which is not needed and organising that which is going to be kept sensibly and so that it is accessible.  Sorry if I am boring the pants off you at the moment will try and do some more kitchen stuff in the coming days as a bit of a break.

I also located one of my "Easter" Boxes.  Holding such things as my Goosey Gander Egg cups, Bunny Rabbit, Bunny Rabbit Toast Holders, a yellow floral tablecloth which is the right colouring for my Easter china, and a yellow floral table centre.  Both the tablecloth and the table centre are vintage pieces; however I love them as they are so pretty.

There is also my vintage Bunny vase/table centre.

I consider myself very lucky to have such lovely pieces.  I have collected many of these items over a 40 year period or more though; a little here and a little there as well as having family pieces as well.  Many of the items have been bought quite cheaply.  I like having a rummage in Charity shops, Antique Centres etc.

I have found a large ball of wool that I had been looking for, for one of my UFOs. It is a lilac knitted jumper.  I knew I had more wool but could I find it, could I heck.  Fortunately this now solves the problem.  Also found another UFO a frilled knitted cardigan in Purple.  Goodness knows how long ago I started this.  That has also been put into the UFO pile to finish.  I have the pattern somewhere, just need to locate it.  Must start re-visiting the UFO piles.  Have not done any work for months.

I have also located lots of Christmas Decorations.  When I initially tidied out the bedroom I had all the Christmas decorations alongside the stair wall.  However over time this has slightly gone to pot.  Will try overall to try and get all the Christmas decorations into one area so that it will make it easier to access and keep everything together.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited!

Also located my cake stands both new and vintage.  I have some lovely ones, although one or two have become broken even in storage.  You always get something no matter how careful you are.  For instance I had a lovely Amber coloured 1920/1930's glass dish which I absolutely loved.  It was accidentally broken yesterday which I was quite peed off about.  It was slightly unusual as it was a combination of a round base but square on top.  Fingers crossed I can find another one.

Catch up again tomorrow.




  1. Send your cake disd to the repair shop, see what they can do with it!

    1. Thank you Anne, a lovely idea unfortunately it smashed into several pieces with it being glass. Hopefully eventually will be able to locate another one. Hope you are both enjoying your new home and getting settled in. Tricia xx


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