Wednesday Evening/Thursday

Wednesday Evening

I carried on in the back bedroom after tea last night for a little while and unearthed some more goodies.  

Thursday Summer Solstice

The dog was restless last night and up and down like nobody's business.  G was out of it did not hear a thing whereas I was left tackling her.  I am pretty sure that she has a form of dementia which is not always there but I have noticed once or twice when we have been out with her that for no reason at all she just ups and goes off in the opposite direction, turns round a few minutes later and comes back the way she has just come.  In the end managed to settle her, but by the time she started her shenanigans in the early hours I had not had any sleep.  

I was keen to see in the Summer Solstice and I thought I may well be asleep but thanks to Missy I was awake and saw it in.  Beautiful, pleasant, serene, warm  gradually the light slipped in. I am hoping that this beautiful day that is our Summer Solstice is the harbinger of newer and better energies for all of us in the days yet to come. I am of a certain age and The Sun is out, despite living in a City it is reasonably quiet and am just being in the moment.  I have already had two lines of washing out to dry and am just waiting on the washing machine to get the next batch out.  

The beautiful weather we have today reminds me of the Summers we used to have when I was a small child. Warm, soothing, pleasant gentle and peaceful.  I wish I was down in Cornwall at the moment to wander rockpools, go for walks, and just literally be.  Being near water at places like Crackington Haven, Boscastle, Widemouth Bay is very soothing in itself.  I am particularly fond of Crackington Haven as it is so unspoilt and still very beautiful. When I was a child there was a small wooden shed which was used as a changing hut for those who wanted to swim.  I remember using that hut, as my Dad was a keen swimmer and we regularly used to swim in the sea. When I was a child the rock on the cliffs was variegated colours, (over 50+ years ago) and the striation is not as marked or as noticeable but the rocks have gone darker. All the wondrous autumn colours of Cornish slate. There is also a lovely little Cafe in Crackington which I think is called The Haven which sells the best of crab salads/sandwiches with all sorts of lovely and different salads.

I was upset to hear of the attack on Stonehenge by protestors which ended up with the stones being covered in an orange powder.  No excuse for this desecration at all.  This is an old sacred space respected by many over many centuries.  Who do these people think they are.  There are better avenues better suited to their kind of protest they wish to make over their concerns.  However this kind of action is to my mind inexcusable. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Breakfast was all completed early and I am just drinking a cup of tea before I start sorting out the back bedroom window, giving it a good wash down, and washing and polishing the windows.  Then getting fresh net curtain up at the window.  Will then wash the curtains and get them out on the line to dry.  Normally I have something on the windowsills but I am not going to put anything there.  Unfortunately as far as the cat is concerned I have found her hidey hole and removed it during the sorting out of boxes.  She is not happy.  However as she likes looking out of the window I thought I would make sure that she could flop on here and sun bathe in recompense.

Once all the washing bit is done, I can then set about sorting things and getting them back into order.  I have also moved a lot of boxes downstairs for the time being so I have room to move.  I have found my two glass mirror drinks trays, my set of Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady Mugs, some of my Tupperware containers.  Boxes of crafting magazines which I will need to go through at a later date. They are stacked safely at the moment.

I will then wash down the walls that I can access in this area and give that a bath and a sort out before putting stuff back so that I can access them easily.  I have also found a couple of box lids which I had been looking for (the poly container lids).

Progress Report

Been a good day. Got the curtains down and washed.  They are now line drying outside in the fresh air.  They may go back up tonight but if not they will go up tomorrow.  If I can find the net curtain wire just a net up would do for tonight.  Then I can iron the curtains tomorrow and then once this corner completed will hang up the curtains again and probably put an old towel on the windowsill for the cat to sunbathe.  She really has taken the hump with me. She has been under the bed most of the day. I managed to clear and get into the corner and in front of the window tackled and washed down both wall, and window frame and windows.  Given a good proper wash down with washing up liquid and also a little bleach.  Now just waiting for the windows to dry so that I can set about cleaning them with some of my homemade Orange peel vinegar cleaner.  Then will give a good buff up. Once this is done will stop for tea.  Fish again as per last night, with Strawberries and cream.

Two of the boxes that were in front of the window have now been gone through.  Turned out to be electrical bits and bobs, tools that sort of thing.  Not my domain but I insisted the G went through it today as they have been lurking for a while and to tell the truth were not very easy to move.  Now do not have that problem as what needed to be kept has been and the rest will go down to the tip for recycling.  

Must say am extremely pleased with how have managed to get on today.

After tea I have some boxes in the corner to go through.  A lot of them have my paper crafting and cutting equipment i.e. stamps, boards, embossing plates, cutting plates etc.  Would like to try and get them into one box.  Then the three narrow boxes they are in at the moment can be used for storing linen under the bed in the front bedroom.  It will all work itself out eventually.

Been terribly hot here, as well.

I have had a hard work day but a positive one in the greater scheme of things.  As I have said before, all this work needs doing no matter what and at least am a few steps further forward as a result.  Still a long and winding road though.

Have a lovely evening everyone.

Catch  you soon.




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