Getting to Play a Little Bit

Both on the Internet and researching some recipes to use in the upcoming weeks.  Writing recipes down and planning some specific projects for processing and putting on the Pantry shelf.  All new to me items in an effort to stock my Pantry fully but also provide variety to the diet as well.  They are to be used in the foreseeable future.

Also getting to play with my new Kitchen Aid Mixer.  Have made G some Banana Bread. The recipe I used is included here: Banana Bread Recipe Have used 2lb loaf tins and the first one has just come out of the oven.  It has had to have extra time in the oven I think perhaps the mixture was a little wet to the ratio of flour in the recipe.  It was made with oil as well, whereas normally I use margarine or butter.

The first loaf

The second loaf

Both of them together

Very impressed with the machine itself.  It is lovely and quiet compared to other machines I have owned.  The orbital movement of the mixer itself is lovely and smooth and it is a lot easier to use than I had first thought.  I am delighted with it I really am.  Now to get to play with it and get used to doing things in it.  I am also after a few of the attachments as well to make my life a little bit easier.

I was going to do a little more baking this evening, however as the Banana bread is taking a little while to cook (longer than the recipe indicated) this will now not happen tonight.  However there is always tomorrow and the day after. I have had to cover the top of the bread with some baking parchment and keep monitoring it as well.  I have used 2lb Pyrex/Glass loaf tins that I have sourced over the years from the Charity shops.  I used the scraper blade to mash up the bananas after having chopped them into the bowl.  Then changed to the balloon whisk to make the actual cake as it is more of a batter mix rather than a creamed sponge mix.

Tomorrow I may well have a go at a Sandwich cake and maybe some cookies.  Saturday may make some pastries.

I also want to make a Ginger cake and some fruit breads as well.  So will see how it goes.  As I have mentioned before I want to get back into the baking and batch baking.  

Once upon a time I always used to do my baking first thing of a Sunday morning whilst the Sunday roast was cooking.  Want to try and get back to that if I can.  This was the routine that my Nan and my Mum always followed.  There was always a radio programme on before a Sunday dinner time called Family Favourites where serviceman based abroad were able to pass on good wishes etc to family members in the UK and equally their family members used to be able to do the same.  Shame its not still going as there always used to be lots of good music on.  Invariably we always sat down to eat at about 1:00pm. to one of my Mum's or my Nan's lovely Sunday roasts.  We always had a roast on a Sunday it was the main meal and treat of the week.

So a relatively happy bunny here, after a completely distracting week.

We have also had scammers try and access our account.  Someone contacted G on the day of the accident, and said that they were having problems with the sims on the phones and also with the Internet and were going to be replacing them but needed access to which all sounded very strange. They were talking far too fast and what was being said was not enunciated correctly or understandable. As it was G could not cope with them and as I had not been there for the original contact I did not really know what it was all about as he did not explain that either.  Girl was speaking to us was not listening so I set her straight.  We have been fortunate as we were having problems with the system - the scammers advised us to get back to them after speaking direct with provider. I actually spoke to the initial contact the woman who hadn't got a minute and would not listen and was trying to tell us to listen (not professional at all).  Was then popped through to her supposed "Manager".  Mentioned it to the provider and they told us directly that they would not contact in this manner.  Please be aware these people are very plausible even their reactions.  If you are suspicious please check out direct number to provider, sourcing your own telephone numbers or checking the numbers by an independent source and not taking what you are being told on the phone as Gospel.

These days I do not take calls from numbers I do not know.  I will not answer them.  We are taught not to be rude to people, however, if I want things I will make contact with those providers direct.  I am not keen on cold calling.  I always check the numbers out on Who Called Me or similar websites where you enter the number and if there is cause for concern.  I only deal with those that I know.  However I was not around for the original call.  So please be aware that even the most savvy of us can still be caught out.  We have blocked the numbers.  

It has been a bit of a week this week all round.  When this happened again this morning, I had just got G calmer from Monday.  All is fair in love and war as the saying goes.

Tomorrow I shall try again to get stuck in, in the kitchen.  Fingers crossed and toes plaited.

Catch you soon.




  1. I have had my Kitchen Aid stand mixer for over 20 years and it has been heavily used but it’s still going strong, mine was also a gift from my late husband. Heather

    1. Hi Heather, I have had my first play with it to make Banana bread tonight. Very pleased with it, lovely and quiet and relatively easy to use. Hopefully going to be making some Sandwich cakes with it tomorrow. I cannot beat or whip things manually like I used to be able to do because of arthritis and other conditions and once you have had decent equipment I think it always spoils you a bit. Glad to hear they last that long. You take care Tricia x


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